Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One Block Wonder - Hollow Cube

... and I thought the BOM was impressive.
Last week at my Thursday quilt meeting, one of my quilting buddies brought her fabric to begin a "One Block Wonder". I brought some fabric to make a couple pillowcases that we are doing for charity, but with my BOM just about finished, I wasn't sure what I was going to move on to for my next "focus" project. Barb inspired me to get back to my OBW that I started out in Colorado last July. Of the 100+ blocks required for most OBW quilts, I had about 72 already done. As I was looking through the book to get my mind back in focus with the techniques, I noticed that they had some blocks that were hidden in some of the displayed quilts. The blocks of the OBW are hexagons (octogons are also available). The blocks that were hidden in these quilts were cubes that were the same size as the other blocks.
These images are from my design board, and by no means is it layed out the way it will be when I am done. The purpose here is to show my latest project that I have reactivated and the fun I have had learning to make a "hollow cube".
I had not heard the term "hollow cube" in reference to a quilt before I went back to my book last week... and there are no instructions regarding these cubes in the book. There is another book that does, but that would mean buying another book for one block... I did a google search and found videos, but it took Ron searching to find the instructions in a pdf format. The hollow cube is an awesome block... I really want to get creative with the addition of these cubes to my OBW.
Did I say that Ron is probably going to revise the size of my design wall to accommodate the whole One Block Wonder quilt... 4' x 8' doesn't quite get there.


  1. Looks great.

    Where did you find the pdf format? I have looked without success.

    Peggy Cooper

  2. Would love to find a written pattern, or PDF format as well.
