Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday's Table

Tuesday mornings are typically quite busy as we are up early to go to Breakfast with Friends, then it is home to prep the meal I will serve to the "lunch crew".  The menu is always... usually anyhow, a surprise.  The girls, and sometimes Austin, are not picky.  They just enjoy a good home cooked lunch with friends.  I keep it pretty informal and use paper plates.  I am not opposed to paper plates, but not my normal choice, especially to serve lunch to friends... but when lunch is for 6 or 7 sometimes, it makes me quite happy to only have glasses and silverware to wash when it is all done.  They are coming on their lunch break, they come all together, and no one wants to stay behind to help with the dishes and make everyone else wait to go back.  We always have a good time laughing and sharing stories.  My biggest stress point of the whole process is deciding what I will make for Tuesday's Table next time.

Of course you are not seeing the one who ties this whole group together, our Z.  Lots of great people around this table every week.

Today's lunch was Meatball Sub Casserole.  It is so simple... or it can or should be.  The recipe calls for frozen meatballs that you would typically buy at the store.  On Saturday I made my meatballs that I baked in the oven.  Those were pretty easy too, but if you use up two cooking sessions for one recipe, I think it might not classify quite as simple anymore...  What matters is that they enjoyed.

If anyone wants the recipe(s), let me know.


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