It is amazing how time just seems to fly away. We have been doing alot of traveling lately, but this past week was our last scheduled trip for a while. That's not to say we won't find some place to travel to in the near future, but it will be good to have a few weeks at home. Anyhow we found Homer along the way and brought him home to live in a friend's garden. I know he will enjoy becoming a Texan. Homer has a gift in his bag.
Last week we were in Kentucky with a group from our church. I was the organizer for our group to visit the
Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY, located just south of Cincinnati, Ohio. There were a few from our group that drove into Cincinnati to have a look around and be able to go home and say they had been to Ohio. I don't drive the bus that often, but there are times when having my CDL license comes in handy. I didn't have to do all the driving, but I surely have a few driving stories to tell during my time at the wheel.
I learned alot from the experiences of last week in regards to organizing a trip of this sort. Actually I have never planned a trip of this magnitude before, so everything was a learning experience. I am already considering a similar trip next year, but doing things a little different to enhance everyone's memories of a great trip.
Creation Museum even has a petting zoo. Although you might think of petting zoos being a children's kind of thing, it was really cool to walk through the beautiful gardens and be able to find lots of really neat animals at the other end. I think everyone enjoyed the variety of presentations, starting with the planetarium and on to the speakers, special effects and many displays that helped enhance the learning experience. Alot of museum to cover in one day, but I am sure that more than one from our group will go back and bring others along.
Quilting has been on the back burner for more than a week now. I will have to get back into the swing of it and get busy finishing the backlog of quilts I have listed on my slate.