It's a beautiful day here in South Texas. My daughter actually beat her brother calling to wish me a Happy Mothers' Day. Hope all the mothers out there had a great
I completed a UFO yesterday. It was not a very long term WIP (work in progress), I started it last October. The quilt kit was purchased in Paducah. My husband took us on a side-trip from our September Ohio trip so I could experience Hancocks of Paducah. He spotted the quilt on display, and I found the quilt kit on a discounted table.
I made an attempt to finish it for this past Christmas, but I didn't make it... I missed it by several months. Now that the top is complete, I owe it to my husband to get it quilted before this next Christmas. I think that might be a great possibility. I already have a panto design with poinsettias.
Speaking of UFO's, I had another quilt that I started in March, so I'm not sure it qualifies as a UFO. Three other ladies and I were on a retreat in Rockport and we decided on this pattern for a project we could all learn from. I was kind of taking the lead and gave the other ladies some guidance. When I got home I found I should have paid closer attention to the instructions. I have the tendency to "wing it" and this time it nipped me pretty good. I had to modify the outside border to finish the top. I don't usually show someone how to do something that I have not had the opportunity to test. We decide on this quilt at the retreat and I thought it looked pretty doable. If you look in the middle you will note there is a double strip that is not between the two side blocks. This was added to make the border wide enough. If you didn't know it was a mistake, I think it would be rather hard to pick it out. I didn't discover my mistake until I got home, so I had to come up with a fix and let everyone know I had instructed them incorrectly.
Next obstacle that I had was my husband. First he didn't think it looked right to make an Hawaiian quilt in black & white. Then I had a friend give me some fabric for the binding that I thought would work great, only to find out that my husband didn't think I should introduce another totally contrasting color in the binding. I folded the quilt top up and put it aside. Last week we bought a patio set that needed a table cloth and this quilt top was the perfect size. I went to my stash looking for a backing and found this gray and red piece that added the necessary introduction of red into the quilt.... so I went ahead and used the red/black/gray & white striped binding. I think it turned out beautiful. He had to agree when I showed him the backing that it was OK to use the binding. I do have to add here that my husband is my best critic. He has a good eye for color coordination and more often than not, his opinion is very helpful. So typically I pay attention to what he has to say.