Now for the other side of my garden adventure. Looks like I won't be the one who will be digging these potatoes. I was so looking forward to that after my failure last year. I learned lots since then and these plants are really looking great. I even put in irrigation to be sure they could get watered properly.
For all of you who have seen or talked to me lately, you are aware of our upcoming move. For those who are unaware... we are moving back to Ohio. It is with great sadness that we leave this beautiful place that we have made our home for the past eleven years. Lots of great people that have become like family to us, that we will miss immensely. Some of our family has returned to Ohio and the time seems right for us to make the move back to Ohio to be nearer to many of our children and grandchildren. I cannot think of a better place to be than here in Texas, but family has a very strong pull. We have done lots of praying and we are confident that we are on the track that the Lord would have us on.
I am going to try to keep my extended family in the loop when I can find the time to get here and post what is happening... at least now and then.
Our house search is next on the agenda.
Ohio here we come.