Quilting has been in the forefront the last few weeks. I have finished
three quilts that would not have been possible on my previous machine.
Now I am not saying that machine did not serve me well. It was a great
machine... it is just that this new amazing Innova with a 26" throat is
simply the best I could have dreamed about having. I have also finished
several smaller quilts. I am having fun getting used to this new
adventure in quilting.
This quilt was sent to me without the backing because I have lots of fabric in my stash, and I just knew that I could find one that would work.
What I didn't know was how perfectly this fabric would work. The next question I got when she saw the finished pictures was... "what will I use to bind it?" The very same day I was reading an article about alternative binding techniques. I sewed up a sample then sent the link along with the sample. My suggestion to her was to use the scraps from the backing, which I sent also. I think it will work very nicely.