I think I have found my favorite theater of all the theaters I have ever been in. Every seat was a recliner. There was no such thing as a bad seat. Not only was the movie spectacular, it will be difficult to find seating anywhere that is more comfortable away from home. OK, there was one other bonus item... Tuesdays are $5 movie days at this incredible theater. Doesn't get any better than that. If you ever happen to be looking for me on a Tuesday, you might want to check to see if we have gone to the movies. We don't go to the movies often, but there were a few previews of some good ones upcoming... Just Sayin'.
Sugar and her two sisters are adapting pretty well to being inside kitties. We have a couple "thrones" for viewing purposes. They are good at taking turns, but this is one of Sugar's favorite perches. Also, our back deck has lots of bird visitors, especially cardinals, but the greatest commotion is caused by the neighborhood kitties that like to taunt our poor captive felines. When we hear the chorus begin, we know there is a kitty on the deck. Once I even saw a raccoon helping himself to the birdseed. He left at my coaxing, but he really wasn't all that phased by my finding him there with his hand in the cookie jar. I have to keep a heavy rock on the seed bin to detract the birdseed bandit.
I had fun making some curtains for my brothers truck. Quilted and complete with Velcro on the back. Went down to look through my stash of panels and found one I thought he might enjoy.